the search for self (the images of "I")

          A soul alone
          A glass unfilled
          A blank space on the page

          Yet what belongs in the void?
          Does emptiness fill what is empty?
          Is being full of nothing being full?

          Can two empty souls fill each other's emptiness?
          Or do they, like glasses, 
          pour nothing into the void and remain unfull?

          Can meaningless words fill the blankness with meaning?
          Or do they create more emptiness,
          like words said without intention?

          Must a glass be full to fill another?
          Does that leave it empty then?
          Can a soul fill another soul without losing itself?
          Where does the emptiness go once the void is filled?

          For I am...
          A soul alone
          A glass unfilled
          A blank space on the page

By Shelly Claman


           Shattered image of who I am
           What am I?
           What am I suppose to be?
           Is who I am body...
           Or soul?
           You can only touch but one.

                "Be beautiful," she demanded. 
                "Be whole...You must be perfect. 
                Beauty is PERFECTION."

           Is who I am soul...
           Or body?
           What am I suppose to be?
           They want to touch but one.

                "If you are beautiful they will want you,
                Take you,
                Consume you and leave the pieces."
                "Beauty is PAIN."

           Is who I am beauty?
           Is beauty body...
           Or soul?

           Shattered image of who I am...
           What am I?
           What am I suppose to be?

                "Beauty is PERFECTION."
                "Beauty is PAIN."
                "Didn't you know that????"


By Shelly Claman
